And here it lies
Well... since the office has, once again, banned the IP address of blogger and LJ, I've been adrift in the blog world, thank God for wordpress... otherwise, well, okay, I don't update much but I just like the security I could enter blogger anytime I want.
Speaking of the office, I handed in my resignation last week... and it was... a freeing experience, even if its only effective in April its still freeing.
I may have other blogs but blogger still reins in my heart, not least because it was the first that reallly *stuck*.
Right now, life is wonderful, possibility abounds (although, I know reality is going to jump me any second, but til then, it's all *fun*.).
By the way? Ben Browder in leather? Still the HOT. Ben Browder drawling? Still HOT. Ben Browder emo-acting? Believable and HOT.
Ergo? Ben Browder is TEH HOT.
Hear endeth the post.