My ideal man
Apparently, according to the now defunct (but still cool) web magazine, the 11th hour, my ideal man is:

Your results:
Leather, loud music, powerful firearms, and fast cars. As Auntie Mame said, "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!" You want and need someone who will not only match you bite for bite, but accompany you back to the buffet for seconds as well. People call you reckless as if that were a bad thing when you're only trying to experience life to it's fullest. Button down types leave you stone cold so you need a red hot guy that is more than willing to take a walk on the wild side... by your side.
PROTOTYPES: Ash (Evil Dead movies), Alex Krycek (The X-Files), Mad Max (Mad Max trilogy), Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones trilogy), Han Solo (Star Wars)
YOUR IDEAL HERO: Self serving smuggler turned rebel hero, Han Solo has retained enough scoundrel qualities to make him a perfect match for you. Whether it's trying to break the Kessel Run record or blasting bounty hunters hot on his trail, Solo has lived his life on the edge so long it's doubtful he could exist any other way. He's got a strong sense of survival, but he always fights on the side of the angels. So what if sometimes they're Hell's Angels?
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I wouldn't say all button down heroes leave me in the cold, I mean, there is Commodore Norrington, Angel and Scott Summers. Them blokes don't leave me cold. At all.