the brush of stress
It's my second month in the PR agency, and I can honestly say this job is not for me. I like it well enough but I'm not built for this fast-paced lifestyle but I have to stick it out for two years, if I don't get fired that is.
But, I'm not going to put all my eggs in a basket, I'm planning to restart my kaligo web magazine, and I've been toying with the idea of setting-up stalls to sell T-shirts in highschool fairs for the extra income.
I've joined NaNoWriMo again but I doubt if I've reached close to the target wordcount (I'm writing mine on my palm). It's the story of one Ada Trace, her life, her loves, and misadventures in building a business empire that spans galaxies.
Marie, I swear, I'll use the space you set-up for me soon.
And, oh yeah, Happy Birthday, Carlo. We may not get along well but your still my brother and sometimes, when the moon turns red, you're bearable :D