Friday, December 12, 2003


Forget it. Dammit, I had a great post and what didyou do? You ate my post and never returned it *shakes fist* Grr!

Health Disaster

It's a disheartening feeling learning how much I've gone to seed, health wise... In a bout of enthusiasm I went out and jogged and let me tell you, there is no better gauge than running to realize how much you've lost your youthful fervor. It was a sorry sight-- huffing and puffing and the painful stitch on your side. ::shakes head::

It started out fine with a ten minute walk but as soon as I decided to brave the uphill incline with a jog less than a minute after I was entertaining thoughts on giving-up. I stopped and resumed jogging four times until I reached the crest and continued on and collapsed on the sidewalk of my house.

It was pathetic. *sheesh*

Back in the day I coulda ran a long time from the club house to my house and a damn sight faster than my current record and *not* be winded.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Riffing or not to riff

I saw this fascinating post from wil wheaton's blog about writing and writing links. One thing that caught my attention though was his story idea about Death renting a room it's here.

And suddenly, *boom* I had a vague idea of a story but I don't know if I should write, since it was his idea in the first place and intellectually I know that there is no original story but only how you tell it, but I still feel guilty. I know I'm going to take it into a whole other angle still...

Any thoughts? Bueller?

Steam trains and frustrations

Gorram it! I don't understand the links in (k)aligo aren't working! What's wrong?? I have until friday and it's going all conky on me! *grinds teeth*

Added to my frustrations is that the part time job I applied for is rejecting me because I'm over qualified, what the hell? First I'm underqualifed for jobs due to my lack of work experience and now I'm overqualifed? What is it really, guys, make up your mind!

I'm in my mom's office, using the office laptop and right now I'm sitting back, I'm imagining this is *my* laptop. Anyway, I seem to have develop a fascination for steampunk, a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy.

Steampunk is set during the Victorian times, at time at the cusp of change, when technology is advancing rapidly and social status quo is recieving radical shake-ups. Picture tall buildings, gritty streets, the london fog around you and men and women from different classes are feeling the wonder of change.

On the one side, imagine the misery of the lower class, plying their ware in the cobblestreets watching the rich and richer parading in dresses and driving around in carriages and contraptions. Imagine the smoke rising up from factory adding to the misery of the cold and london fog.

That's steampunk.

The most concrete examples of a steampunk city might be found in such anime feels like: Metropolis, Steam Detective, Sakura, and Batman's Gotham city.

ETA Turns out, steampunk can also exist outside of the Victorian times, as long as that feel of change can be felt.