I added additional material for the recs page, Maayan's fiction. She's my idol, one of the best fanauthors I've ever read. Her stories are all so lush and spare, her structure, breathtaking. She takes fiction seriously, as it should be.
I first read her work, maybe 4 years ago, she was writing a Buffy fanfic, I was impressed by her work, then I return a good full year later to find that she wasn't writing Buffy anymore, and she moved fandoms and started writing fanfictions for that show. At first I was dismayed by the prospect but then, I tried one story and from then on I didn't look back. I fell in love with Farscape myself, but mostly through her writings. She's a much better writer writing John Crichton and his frelled up landscape because, for some reason she understands him far better than anyone.
So, my point? Nothing, but that she's the best frelling fanauthor, is all.