Friday, May 16, 2003

I added additional material for the recs page, Maayan's fiction. She's my idol, one of the best fanauthors I've ever read. Her stories are all so lush and spare, her structure, breathtaking. She takes fiction seriously, as it should be.

I first read her work, maybe 4 years ago, she was writing a Buffy fanfic, I was impressed by her work, then I return a good full year later to find that she wasn't writing Buffy anymore, and she moved fandoms and started writing fanfictions for that show. At first I was dismayed by the prospect but then, I tried one story and from then on I didn't look back. I fell in love with Farscape myself, but mostly through her writings. She's a much better writer writing John Crichton and his frelled up landscape because, for some reason she understands him far better than anyone.

So, my point? Nothing, but that she's the best frelling fanauthor, is all.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Added a link me thing, it's been a slow day, and a funny story--

Our maid and boy are getting married, nothing funny with that? Alright, it's this, all along, all five years of kuya Bong's stay with us we always assumed he was gay. I somehow gave him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he was just effeminate. Then, suddenly I discovery yaya Mercy (our maid) was pregnant. Well, that was a surprise, we didn't know of any boyfriends and she seldom leave our house when we gave her a day off, so puzzle.

My brother puzzled it out, one day he gave kuya bong a quizical stare. "Kuya, she (yaya Mercy) hardly leaves, right? So you two are the only ones left alone when everyone is gone, right?"

Kuya Bong starts getting red in the face, splutter and finally admits he was the father. Now yaya Mercy and kuya Bong left to get married and off to their one month honeymoon.

I thought I'd given kuya Bong the benefit of the doubt, but it seems even I was caught off-guard with the turn of events, I guess so much of perception hinges on people's actions, the way a person speaks even if one is being open minded in such things. It does not speak well of me at all.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Alright, definetly on my way, part of my layout is on the blogger, now if only the images would appear. I really can't understand why it won't appear, I've couched the html code, tested it in other browsers but nothing appears! Grrr.....

Well, tonight's Two To Go, brilliant second part of 'Willow going Evil' Arc in Buffy. And for the record? I don't think it's gay bashing when Tara was killed. It was necessary to the plot, it was needed, and everyone dies in Sunnydale! Now, look who Willow is stuck with? Jailbait!Kennedy. Ugh.

I'm also looking for some jobs, especially writing jobs. I am now determined to be a writer.