Of Movies, Books and Fantasy
Laughing in savage glee. I now am a proud owner of the complete Buffy Season two and the first half of season three! The golden seasons of Buffy *Bwahahahaha!*
Season two and three is where Buffy the Vampire Slayer really hits its stride, where some shows the What is My Line? Duology maybe their television highlights BtVS Season 2 was only beginning, it goes from strength to strength ending in a climatic battle that is physically and emotionally taxing to all, relationships are tested and death happens freely.
Season 3 only strengthens the arc presenting Buffy with her dark mirror in Faith, and presenting a physical form in 'The Wish' with Buffy as an uncaring, scarred warrior. The duologies are all emotionally draining, and practically the most fantastic battle ever fought with the whole senior class taking arms and recognizing Buffy's 'specialness'.
Though the next four seasons present magnificent episodes: S4's 'Hush' and Restless, S5's 'The Body', S6's 'Once More With Feeling', and S7's stunning 'Conversations with Dead People.'
The arc was never the same, the level of intensity never matched again, in point of fact after S7's Conversations with Dead People I am afraid to watch Season 7 as it took away the focus of the show from the original Scooby Gang and retold it in an unfocused story of Spike.
I love the character and all but c'mon people, it's Buffy's story, it's Willow's, it's Xander's, it's Giles... it's not about a very hot vampire called Spike!
I don't want to hate a show I've invested so much on.
I just finished rewatching the Fellowship of the Ring extended version, it's such a lovely work, so much missing in the movie version because of time constraints. Thank God then for DVD's, I also love hearing the commentaries from the writers and director they have so much love and respect for Tolkien's creation.
Points in the FoTR I loved:
a) The prologue, the black screen then Galadriel's (Cate Blanchett) whispering elvish and translation. Always lovely. As noted by the writers and Peter Jackson, Cate has a lovely speaking voice.
b)The extended/added scenes. Lovely to see the Bilbo narration, it makes you love the Shire for its simpleness and peace. And some scenes that felt off in the movie was given greater depth and explanation, especially gives more character depth to Gimli, his antagonism against elves and his eventual falling in love with Galadriel.
Aragorn and Boromir's relationship was also given greater depth, the friction between them and Boromir's gradual respect and acceptance of Aragorn as king. And Aragorn's acceptance of his fate.
c) Sean Bean. Really, I never much noticed Boromir, save for his death scene but the added scenes shows a more human man torn between his duty to his people, his mission to destroy the ring and the temptation to use the Ring not for evil but for good. His redemption is all the more heart breaking, seeing how he struggles against it all.
d) Galadriel. Never was the Ring more terrifying than when it was tempting Galadriel. The desire for the power it yields, the terrific and terrifying heights Galadriel could take the power it was all played so well. Cate Blanchett is the epitome of the Lady of Light. It's fascinating how a good and great creature can fall because of temptation it is the main reason why Lord of the Rings is a classic because it tells a reflection of the truth.
As Boromir says: 'Is it not a strangefate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing.'
That fear, that tension, it is almost a tangible thing. Ave Peter Jackson. Ave Tolkien.
e) And how could we forget my Lord Aragorn? He doesn't translate well in the books but in the movies, played right, the burden of power, his awesome destiny it is a wonderful thing. Viggo not only plays Aragorn he becomes Aragorn.
From the posters and the trailers Aragorn transforms himself from warrior to stern king Elessar, High King of Gondor.
Am I ever glad Peter Jackson got the rights to direct it and had Frand Walsh and Philippa B to translate it to screen. And ever more thankful for Tolkien writing this magnificent opus.
I have been feeling sort of off regarding reading of late, I don't know what it is but anything with intirgue, betrayal or tragedy I cannot go further in my reading. It's like I don't have the heart to be hurt.
But, on the other hand I ahve no problem reading Dark fanfiction, I even crave it! I am a strange person.