New post
Yes, the imagination of that title shows how creative I've gotten... not!
As you all know (k)aligo is in its hiatus stage since funding and writers are a bit lacking.. which is really sad. But, as soon as I get stable income (k)aligo shall live again!
Well, I'm in the office in Ortigas and alone, frequently the case in this ofice:) Most times its fun, most times, especiallly if there is no net connection, not so much with the fun.
I have a project to complete which is still far from complete and the deadline is looming over my shoulder like a big fire breathing thing. And to add to my fun school's out for everyone save for us in the working class. Sigh.
Oh, and everyone say Happy Birthday to my sister and Congratulations to Cheska! Um... tomorrow, I mean:)
So, yes, that is all.