Friday, July 22, 2005

On state of madness

Before I get any further, I'd just like to extend my hugs to the people of London. You guys are doing great despite everything. You've all survived the nightly nazi bombings you will all survive this.

Go, London!


I've made it a point not to post anything political in this blog, or at least I've made it a point not to post anything on the current state of the Philippine political scene and its not as Tim Yap* (insert laugh track here) notes because of apathy (sidenote: a friend has written a snarky commentary on Tim Yap's alleged rant on apathy here). It is in fact, the exact opposite of apathy.

I just care too much about what's happening that I'm afraid I'll devolve into a ball of quivering rage that I refuse to write anything about it, my very vocal reactions at home and office was enough.

Enough time has passed that I think I've mellowed, I think I've mellowed so much that the only thing that can stir me is Susan Roces' recent declaration of interest for the presidency and the Young officers declaration that they will unseat the president and the Leftists intent to topple the present administration and form their own civilian council.

The whole thing is a sham, it does nothing good for the country but glory hog in the limelight. The middle class has been showing that they are the force behind the two EDSAs, more than the military, more than the masa. It showed during the so-called EDSA tres and the recent effort, there was a rant recenlty... about how the middle class was underappreciated by the politicos, how most of the bureacrats spend time wooing the poor, when it is the middle class struggling to get the economy going, from white collar to blue collar, these are the people who pay taxes not the masa.

Mostly, but not all the masa are bums. I see them early in the morning congregating in the convenience stores, swilling beers or rums barechested with their potbellies hanging pouchlike. I see them again when I go home, hardly moving from their positions. Allowing their bazillion kids to beg in the streets rather than work and yet these people have the temerity to complain about their way of life???

Or if they do get off their butts to protest its because they get paid. They are what we call the hakot (the gathered).

In the Philippines, the actors have began joining the political fray, which is more dangerous because actors are revered as gods here and the sheep follow like lambs to the slaughter.

Sometimes I wish I didn't love the Philippines so much. But I do.


*Tim Yap is a self-proclaimed 'eventologist' who has increasingly become blonder through the years (literally). In the above mentioned article our man Yap asks a friend what the color theme of the opposition rally was. Seriously.

deathless dities

its unfair to blogger but i miss LJ. I think what I most love about LJ is the flist. So many varied things to read about, and the commenting function in LJ is fun. Its like a message board that goes on and on. I love the interactive function of it.

These days blogging is becoming mainstream I feel conflicted because of it. I feel like a propriety old timer, like one of those pioneers during the bandwagon years in the west. I sort of have this childish urge to say, yeah, well, I was here first!

Back in the day when you did most everything when you blog... the html coding, the hours slaving away doing the layout. At the same time I feel like a hypocrite because I don't blog that often but somehow I still feel that those of us who blogged first cared.

I guess what irks me about this is that I feel like the new people who blog are just doing it because its the in thing to do. Kind of what happened to Harry Potter when it was at the pinnacle of its hype, everywhere people I know who don't like to read, who, sorry to say, are kind of shallow began hefting around Harry Potter books, sitting in Starbucks and deliberately showing the covers to announce that they are indeed reading Harry Potter.

That's what I'm feeling about the whole blogging issue. I hate how commercial it's becoming.

Hopefully, this will die down and the psuedo-bloggers slowly fall off the crack.

Open the Firewall!

Posting this in the office, managed to convince the IT guy to lift the firewall from
Blogger but not, sadly the LJ, which I love, love, love although.... that might be a
good thing since I am *addicted* to the LJ. So, eliminate distraction it is.

Oh, I miss blogging. Never leave me again!